Sports Development Services
Sports Development Services
Our team provides ongoing support and guidance to help ensure effective implementation of the National Curriculum that is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning. We offer a range of customisable curriculum maps to fit the unique needs of your school.
We are also not shy about cleaning and creating a clear space for your PE equipment. We audit your equipment and provide advisories to enhance your resources.
We understand the importance of how gross motor ability and core strength can significantly impact children’s lives, whether that be sitting upright to enable them to write to fundamental physical movements.
Our approach aims to assist schools in identifying the needs of their children and establishing support groups to ensure that every child has the best opportunity to succeed.
Through our numerous school connections, we officiate sports events that align with each school's curriculum and are scheduled at suitable dates. We also enjoy organising competitions and events within classes, whether it's among teams or houses or collaborating to achieve a common goal.
The purpose of Play Leaders is to foster leadership skills among children in KS2 by training them and encouraging them to organise games and activities for their peers during lunch or break time. Advance Sports has provided training to KS2 children in multiple schools, as well as CPD to lunchtime supervisors to assist with the organisation of these activities. By implementing Play Leaders, we can create a more harmonious and organised setting, resulting in a reduction in disruptions and the need for behaviour management.
(Pictured above - Year 4 Play Leaders at Catshill First School & Nursery).